Rethink Commerce Blog

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6 Tips to Activate Stagnant Affiliates

There isn't a single merchant on this world selling through affiliate programs that hasn't got idle affiliates. These are affiliates that are not active, meaning that they don't generate any sales or,

5 Ideas for Productive Affiliate Campaigns (part 2)

In the first part of this series we spoke then about promoting software to your customers on a try-before-you-buy model, converting the customers from your website and sending newsletters to your audi

Affiliates – Start Your Engines

Avangate is proud to launch its 2012 line of contests for affiliates that generate sales. Software is a great niche to promote as an affiliate, no doubt about that: big commissions, instant gratificat

5 Ideas for Productive Affiliate Campaigns (part 1)

Every now and then we get questions from affiliates seeking our advice on successful affiliate campaigns for software titles. This is a subject that has no universal conclusions, since what may work v

Blooming Customer Experiences with Avangate 2012 Spring Release

This spring brings blooming customer experiences, thanks to the latest major release update in the Avangate platform. Allow me to introduce you to the Avangate Spring Release, featuring an extended or

How To’s for Affiliate Program Managers

If you're running an affiliate program or at least considering to do so, I think you agree that education  is very important - seeing the best practices, getting to know where and why some were not s
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