Rethink Commerce Blog

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Avangate in 2009 – Happy New Year!

Here we are, in the end of 2009, patiently waiting for the New Year party and thinking about 2009, about the good and the bad and the next year :). We are all proud to have been able to enrich our sof

Interested in the software market in China?

Want to sell software in China? I bet you do. It's a multi-billion dollar market (packaged software accounted for US$4.7 billion in 2008) that has seen positive growth even through the recession. Admi

Our first Software Selling Conference in China

Just in case you missed it, we are organizing our first Software Selling Conference in China that will take place on December 5th at the Park Plaza Beijing Science Park. If until now China was just a

Avangate – Top eCommerce Provider according to Survey

You know that we don't like to brag about how the Avangate eCommerce platform is the best in the Universe ;) , but a recent survey of eCommerce providers for software vendors shows that, well... we ar

What Does it Take to Sell Through Affiliates?

Part Two – PAD Files This is the second part of a series of blog posts about making the affiliate sales channel bring revenue to software vendors. In the first post I focused on the importance of th

Software Industry Conference 2009 – the 19th Edition

Software Industry Conference - Avangate bears As you probably know, Avangate attended, sponsored and presented at the 19th edition of  SIC for the fourth time this year. I was there with my colleague
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