Rethink Commerce Blog

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2Checkout Updates

2Checkout Summer ’20 Release: Enhanced Commerce and Subscription Billing F...

Today marks the day of 2Checkout's Summer Release '20, an update which brings a multitude of new features and enhancements to the Avangate Monetization Platform. We've supercharged our platform's pote

Online Businesses Plan to Innovate, and Improve Their Offerings to Offset COVID-...

Doing business in a time of uncertainty can be daunting; economic uncertainties lead to consumer behavior changes. During the Great Recession of 2008 we saw people switching to cheaper products. The B

VISA Update on Trials and Introductory Offerings for Subscription Merchants

Are you engaging your customers with free trials or discounted offers at the beginning of their subscription life? If so, then you should keep reading. Nowadays, more and more companies are opting for

Skyrocket Your eCommerce Business with CommerceNow ‘20

CommerceNow ’20 is on its way, so mark your calendars for June 10-11, if you haven’t already. During these uncertain times, when most physical events are canceled or postponed, it is even more imp

A Letter to Our Clients and Partners during COVID-19

Hello,   This is a challenging time for all of us, and our hearts go out to everyone affected by the outbreak of COVID-19. We’re monitoring this situation, and we strive to comply with gui

How to Safely Accept Online Payments and Reduce PCI DSS Complexity?

The risk of cyberattacks is a constant threat and it can happen to any online business. One of the most notorious examples related to card data breaches is Zappos, the eCommerce company owned by Amaz
Simplify the eCommerce process. Try 2Checkout.
The most flexible digital commerce platform that can give your business a real boost.