Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Executive / Owner

10 Subscription Myths Debunked

If the idea of following a subscription monetization model for your company sounds scary, we’re here to tell you there’s nothing to be afraid of. A bunch of myths shouldn’t hold you back — es

Know Your SaaS Customer Acquisition Metrics

Subscription-based companies have a whole extra layer of complexity in terms of measuring business performance, by comparison to traditional ones. From acquiring customers to onboarding them, from in

28 SaaS & Growth Newsletters to Subscribe to

With so much information at your fingertips, you can easily adapt to the fast-moving eCommerce environment and build a competitive edge. However, timely and already distilled resources are not necess

What Cross-Border Merchants Should Know Before Selling into Brazil

Brazil is the largest retail eCommerce market in Latin America, representing one-third of market share according to eMarketer. In addition, 36.1% of the country’s population with ages 14 and over h

How Can Content Marketing Drive Lead Generation and Client Retention

When you think of today’s digital marketplace, you might think of millions of sellers sending messages to millions more potential customers, all connected online in a matter of seconds. In this ava

Give me 5 Tips for Boosting Holiday eCommerce Sales

Hello everyone, and welcome back to our Give me 5! series, where we share with you five useful eCommerce tips that will help improve your strategies and get on the road to success. In this episode,
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