Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Optimize Or Die… Or, Just Read A Book

Optimization is a popular topic these days. People like to optimize everything from website conversion rates (will I get more sales if I change this call-to-action?) to calorie consumption (will I los

Why Knowing Your LTV is Vital to Growing Your SaaS Company

Regardless of whether you are a new or experienced SaaS marketer, getting a handle on the metrics can be difficult business. As everyone in SaaS quickly learns, tracking success is much more complex t

Three Ways to Reduce Cost of Sales For Your SaaS Business

Do you know how much you’re REALLY spending to acquire each new customer? No doubt you know the importance of bringing in new clients. It's the lifeblood of your business. However, there is a point

Affiliate Best Practices: Managing Your Email Account

Email marketing isn’t going anywhere, and, in 2016, it will remain one of the leading digital marketing channels Tweet. Over one-third of the worldwide population will be using email by the end of 2

The Evolution of Commerce Automation in B2BNation Interview

Raj Badarinath, the VP of Marketing and Growth Services at Avangate was a recent guest on the  B2B Nation: Smarketing series. In this episode he shares his thoughts on the past, present, and future o

Retain Loyal Customers with these 3 SaaS Renewal Strategies

The SaaS customer journey is unique in that it doesn’t end with the purchase like it does for other business models. For SaaS-based digital goods and services businesses, the purchase is just the be
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