Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Sales & Marketing VP

Think Local, Not Just Global: Localize and Optimize Your Cart to Bring in Higher...

I recently had the pleasure of speaking at a webinar organized by our client and partner VWO on How to Optimize Your Checkout for International Markets, hosted by our friend Vipul  Bansal, Marketing

Opportunities for Publishers during COVID-19

We are lucky, and so grateful to be part of an industry which continues to be active even in difficult times like a worldwide pandemic. Thanks to the online nature of our work, we can be here for you

A Letter to Our Clients and Partners during COVID-19

Hello,   This is a challenging time for all of us, and our hearts go out to everyone affected by the outbreak of COVID-19. We’re monitoring this situation, and we strive to comply with gui

15 Customer Success Musts From Top Experts

Updated in March, 2020   Buyer personas, customer experience (CX), user experience (UX), conversion optimization, online payments, customer support, and a great shopping experience – these

2020 Design Trends for your Online Business

eCommerce has grown tremendously during the past few years, and it will continue to grow as companies become more and more interested in providing a better online shopping experience for their custom

Industry Buzz – March 2020

Hi, sellers! We’ve rounded up some resources meant to shine a little light on the impact this crisis is having on businesses: how to navigate it, how it’s going to change the payments and eComm
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