Posts Tagged ‘subscriptions’

3 Specific Strategies for Preventing Subscription Revenue Leakage

We all know it’s hard to acquire customers—so once you do, it’s absolutely crucial to keep them around. We also know that it typically costs much more to acquire a new customer than retain an ex

How to Transform Your Business into a Profitable Subscription Business

So you’ve got a software business and want to make the switch to subscriptions, but aren’t sure where to start. You’re in the right place: we’ve got a nice solid framework to get you started,

The Definitive Customer Retention Infographic for Software Subscriptions and Saa...

The statistics don’t lie: customer retention is the key to the ongoing success of your company. No matter how many new customers you acquire, it’s difficult to make up for losing your existing bas

Engagement Scoring and Churn Prediction for Subscription Businesses

Did you know that up to 80% of the people that churn are customers with low or no engagement? Such numbers can break your business if you don’t do something about it. This is what I said in a recent

Turning the Tables on Churn – 7 Proven Strategies for Increasing Retention...

We get it. Customer acquisitions are sexy and absolutely necessary for a SaaS company just out of the gate, BUT relying on new customers to maintain rapid growth is unrealistic, especially once you cr

7 Ways to Make It Easier for Your Customers to Renew Subscriptions

Every marketer should know by now that retaining customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. On average, it costs five times as much to attract a new customer than to keep an existing on
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