Posts Tagged ‘digital commerce’

Ways To Make Your Customer Feel Valued With Promotions

The promotional offer has become a key tool for SaaS businesses and is now used at every stage of the digital commerce lifecycle, from acquisition to renewal. Promotions are powerful and persuasive. T

100 Tips For Successful Affiliate Selling

Making money as an affiliate appears deceptively simple. Business publications tend to glamorize it and a novice can get the idea that all you have to do is to create a website, post about your hobby

Best Practices for Increasing Trial Conversion Rates

Offering free downloads or trial subscriptions is a proven strategy to acquire new customers. They get to try your product before they commit, and you get a qualified lead that you now must convert. T

Introducing CommerceNOW.

Let’s have a quick word association. What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word Commerce? Amazon and the over-hyped and coming soon to you -- drone delivery? The Trifecta of Black

How To Effectively Cross-Sell With A Subscription Model

Any marketer knows that cross-selling is a crucial component of long-term e-commerce success. If your customers are happy with the products they currently use or intend to buy, they are more likely to

Why And How You Should Be Testing Your Trial Sign-Up Forms

Marketers everywhere are under increasing pressure to prove and improve the value of their programs. As a result, testing and analysis have become core components of the online marketing toolkit. Whil
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