Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Avangate 2014 World Cup Contest

Play the Game and Go To Rio Avangate is excited to announce our most outstanding contest so far: the Avangate World Cup 2014!

The New Services Economy – Remaking Industries As Value Shifts From Produc...

Disrupting An Industry Near You … Or Maybe Already Remaking The Winners and Losers of Your Business You see the signs around you every day … whether it is listening to your Internet radio, virtual

Cool Companies Interview Series: 123ContactForm

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Florin Cornianu, CEO and Co-Founder of 123ContactFrom, a SaaS company that has grown steadily over the last few years. Started out by fulfilling a need for

Affiliate Marketing in Emerging Markets

From an international merchant perspective, after you have the hottest regions of the world already covered - North America and Western Europe – the next step is to look towards emerging markets. Th

It’s Time to Graduate from PayPal

Ahhh, it’s that time of year again. Diplomas are being rolled, commencement speeches are being written, caps with tassels are being tossed, and the sound of Pomp and Circumstance is filling the air

Marketing Tools: Testing eCommerce Sites Globally

If you, like me, work in a business with a global reach, I suspect on more than one occasion you have wished you could teleport yourself around the world to be able to check something in another count
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