Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

First day of ISDEF, 2008

The Avangate team arrived in Moscow yesterday around noon. I soon found out that the traffic is very busy, and although this year the conference takes place at an excellent location at Holiday Inn, it

On our way to Moscow

We are preparing to leave for ISDEF (Independent Software Developers Forum) where Avangate will participate as a GOLD Sponsor. ISDEF is a networking and professionally enlightening initiative in Russi

Avangate is expanding its US operations

Mountain View, California... this is the way press releases from Avangate US will begin from now on. But to reach this goal (i.e. the Silicon Valley office) there was (and will be from now on) a treme

Your secret weapon: Great Customer Support

At most companies, customer and technical support are the least resourced, least important and least respected functions. How else can you explain why so many large companies treat their customers - t

Blogging for microISV

During SIC last year, I've got the chance to attend Bob Walsh's presentation on Business blogging for microISVs, and back then I've noticed how the audience was very interested in using blogs to gain

3 Usability Gurus that Should not be Missed

Lately, website usability is the favorite subject for a lot of people I talk to. They feel the need to improve their sites, to make them easier and more pleasant to use, to increase their conversion r
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