Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

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What is Social Proof & How to Use it for eCommerce?

Do you know what the following headlines have in common? How the Atlanta Hawks created a slam dunk social strategy using Sprout Social Adobe Photoshop 2022 wins software of the year in the Creative B

Global Subscription Compliance Updates: What You Need to Know

As the subscription economy continues to grow, new regulations are being put in place to protect the rights of consumers in response to the numerous dark patterns that some large online companies prac

eCommerce in Australia – How to Sell Online on the Australian Market

Despite Australia's massive size, its geography of bushlands and deserts is responsible for keeping its population of 26+ million on its western and eastern shores. Nevertheless, the former British co

How to Attract New Customers and Build Brand Loyalty During the Holidays

You might assume that trying to attract new customers during the holidays is a fruitless strategy best saved for when consumers come back up for air after New Year’s. But the truth is, there are alw

Industry Buzz – October 2022

The holiday season is just around the corner, and that means you should have started prepping your holiday selling strategies by now. As the clock is ticking, we have put together just the right resou

Advantages and Challenges of Accepting Online Payments

Updated in October 2022.   The main principle behind any business is that one party provides a service or goods in exchange for payment by the other party, and naturally a key part of this proces
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