Rethink Commerce Blog

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Affiliates & Channel Sales

How to Recruit New Software Affiliates

OK, so you have the software products to sell and you want to extend your sales force with minimal costs. Using affiliates is a perfect solution, but where do you find them? This is the first challeng

Ways to Communicate with your Affiliates

Thoughts about getting your voice heard in the crowd See how Avangate communicates with its affiliates Once you have a number of affiliates in your portfolio, keeping in touch with them and helping th

Discount Coupons for Affiliates

Recently I was doing a market research on eCommerce trends in 2009. One of the things we should expect is that customers are more cost-aware and every minor thing they get for free or with a discount

Being a good Affiliate Manager

This morning I’ve got an interesting email in my inbox, apparently from someone that has read one of my articles (so after all someone is reading what I write). I think it was one of these: 6 Tips f

Affiliates, Resellers, Vendors – Who Gets the Customer?

How can one get a channel distribution as conflict free as possible, that generates both online and offline software sales and in the end it makes everybody involved happy – resellers, distributors,

How to Affiliate Efficiently

At any time, but especially during recession periods, a software vendor needs the most cost-effective tools that can bring him extra revenue or at least keep the sales volumes constant. He needs to ha
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