Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Payments Director

Give Me 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Digital Commerce Platform

Welcome back to our Give me 5! series, where we share 5 useful eCommerce tips that will help improve your strategies and get you on the road to success.   In this episode, we’re going to focus

Get Control Over Your Subscriptions – Quick Guide on Data Portability and ...

There’s a lot of talk in the industry about the proliferation of subscriptions – from software and music to movies and shaving blades. So much so that apparently 15% of online shoppers are enrolle

Your Must-Read Books for this Summer

Summer is here! You know what that means: time to spend those long, lazy weekends with your nose in a book! Below are some of our recommendations for the next months for you to delve into. There's a l

2Checkout Summer 2019 Release – Optimize Business Performance Worldwide

We are very excited to announce today our Summer ’19 product release, which brings merchants an all-in-one solution to ensure business scalability for any type of product and service! The latest 2Ch

The Impact of GDPR – One Year Later

At 2Checkout, we recently celebrated the first anniversary of EU's establishment of the General Data Protection Regulation. It was a good opportunity to reflect on its impact on business, test our dat

How to Grow Your Digital Commerce Expertise for Free at CommerceNOW ’19

Are you interested in the latest insights and actionable strategies and tactics that can drive your online business forward? On June 19-20 you’ll have the chance to discover them live at the largest
Simplify the eCommerce process. Try 2Checkout.
The most flexible digital commerce platform that can give your business a real boost.