Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Payments Director

What US Businesses Need to Know About Data Breach Regulations Today

In the world of eCommerce, with its reliance on customer data, including sensitive and personal information, it’s critical that businesses protect this data from theft, corruption, and loss. However

Online Payments Regulations and Fiscal Compliance

Selling online may seem like the easiest thing from the buyer’s seat, but in reality, there are a lot of regulations and procedures merchants need to follow to be able to offer this seamless experie

Everything to Know About Online Payment Processing Fees

If you’re selling online, payment processing fees are a given. Some merchants may wonder How do I avoid payment processing fees?, but in reality, not paying these costs is not an option. Every time

Industry Buzz July 2020

Hi, sellers! How’s everything going? This month, we’re proposing some tips that will help you figure out how to minimize the impact the pandemic might have on your online business. Our July Indust

How to Manage False and Fraudulent Chargebacks

Chargebacks can be a nightmare, but knowing what causes them can guide a business to where and how it needs to improve its online payment processing capabilities. As such, there are times when false c

An Overview of Payment Fraud and Prevention in eCommerce

The future of the online payments industry is looking very promising for consumers and merchants alike, but the always-looming specter of fraud continues to be a material concern. Naturally, the onset
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