About Author

Regional Sales Director at 2Checkout (now Verifone)

Check out her latest articles

eCommerce in Norway – How to Sell Online on the Norwegian Market

As one of the world’s most wealthy and tech-savvy countries, Norway is an ideal target for eCommerce businesses. Its mature economy is made up of discerning and quality-conscious consumers that look

eCommerce in Denmark – How to Sell Online on the Danish Market

For eCommerce businesses looking to expand their global reach today, Denmark is among the most promising candidates to consider. Although its size and population are modest, its strong economy and sop

eCommerce in Sweden – How to Sell Online on the Swedish Market

Sweden, a Scandinavian country with just over 10 million people, has long been known as a positive example for its citizens’ digital proficiency, wealth and social responsibility. Still, however, no

eCommerce in India: How to Sell Online in the Indian Market

Beyond being the world’s second-largest country in terms of population, India is an increasingly tech-savvy nation, with rapidly growing mobile penetration and a large population eager to consume al

eCommerce in Turkey – How to Sell Online on the Turkey Market

Today, online businesses are looking for new and emerging sales markets to deliver scalable profits. The 2020-2021 COVID-19 online sales surge has savvy marketers looking to Turkey, as an untapped opp

How the Reseller Model Helps Merchants Expand Globally

Software has already eaten the world, and most software companies are interested in selling globally if they’re not already doing so. That raises the question, what’s involved in selling internati
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