About Author

Regional Sales Director at 2Checkout (now Verifone)

Check out her latest articles

How to Stop Revenue Leakage in Subscriptions from Acquisition to Retention

Revenue leakage in a subscription business occurs due to inefficiencies or gaps in one or more of the subscriber lifecycle stages. These leaks can seriously affect your growth, cutting into profits an

The Risks of Not Offering Local Payments

These days, businesses need every advantage to gain an edge over their competitors. However, many eCommerce brands shoot themselves in the proverbial foot by not offering local payments, which is an e

What Does “Customer Success” Mean for Software and SaaS and How Do You Measu...

In any business, customer success (CS) is that sweet spot where you've converted a lead and turned them into a loyal advocate for your brand. This results in customers being less likely to churn and m

eCommerce in Israel – How to Sell Online on the Israeli Market

With digital shopping on the rise across the globe, online merchants now have numerous promising opportunities for digital sales in cross-border markets. The eCommerce market in Israel is fast becomin

How to Switch Sleeping SaaS Subscribers Back On

In today’s fast-paced, subscription-based SaaS ecosystems, it’s not enough to sign-customers up. If you want to drive revenue and keep profitability high, you must nurture and keep subscriptions a

eCommerce in Finland – How to Sell Online on the Finnish Market

Nestled along the northwestern edge of Scandinavia, one of the world’s richest and most technologically advanced regions, Finland is an obvious choice for those looking to expand their global eComme
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