Posts Tagged ‘google analytics’

The Future of Web Analytics: Server-side Tracking

In today’s digital era, keeping personal information private and secure online is more important than ever. How websites and apps collect data is changing, affecting how businesses can gather accura

When should I upgrade to Universal Analytics – and how does it work?

Customers often ask me: When should I install the Universal Analytics code?  I always reply with the same question: Why do you think you need it? They usually shrug their shoulders and look at me for

Win Back Customers Who Abandon Carts By Using Remarketing Lists

Ecommerce websites inevitably have issues with shopping cart abandonment. As a result, companies invest major resources in finding methods to recapture the attention of buyers who don’t complete pur

3 Reasons why Shopping Cart Custom Domains Will Mean the End of Your Web Analyti...

After reviewing hundreds of Google Analytics implementations on ecommerce websites one thing caught my eye: more than 90% of Google Analytics tracking of third party shopping carts end up with errors.

Unveiling the World of Real-Time Data Tracking in new GA

What is Real-Time in Google Analytics? Google Analytics (GA) has changed the world of tracking for millions of websites owners and marketers alike. GA has always given powerful insights on data/perfor

Analytics Minibible for Software Vendors v2.0

It seems the interest for analytics in the software vendors community increases more and more, according to the requests I get by email. I believe in actionable metrics, so I decided to act and publis
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