Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Study up—Our Back to School Offers Are Here!

Known as the second-largest shopping period of the year, Back to School season brings you some A+ deals from our top-selling vendors in digital goods and software. Step out of the sun, put your Mai Ta

An Intro to Effective Growth Strategies: Global Commerce in Local Markets

Say you’re a company wanting to start selling in China, the biggest eCommerce market worldwide—and one with incredible potential for growth. Where would you start? You might try Laurentiu Ghenciuâ

How To Effectively Follow Up On Your SaaS Leads

Winning SaaS leads is easily becoming the bane of every B2B marketer’s existence. A study from Hubspot proves just that: 63% of marketers believe that lead and traffic generation are among the mos

Affiliate Interview: YieldKit, Claim Your Affiliate Marketing Kingdom Winner

Get affiliate marketing insights from one of our Claim Your Affiliate Kingdom winners, YieldKit. Susana, Head of Advertiser Development, has been kind enough to answer our questions.

Industry Buzz – July 2018

Hi sellers!   As always, we’re bringing you our monthly Industry Buzz, featuring the you-shouldn’t-miss resources around the web. So read on to find out the latest eCommerce trends you should

The State of eCommerce Fraud in 2018

During our recent CommerceNow event, fraud expert Tara Kendrick of Experian presented a wealth of valuable information regarding the increase in eCommerce fraud, where eCommerce fraud is taking place
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