Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Executive / Owner

Industry Buzz – October 2019

Hi, sellers! As the holiday season is just kicking off, it’s time to adjust your strategies accordingly, if you want to have your fair share of the cake in terms of seasonal sales. And if you

Mistakes You Should Avoid With Your Software/SaaS Product Launch

Ideally, the launch of a software/SaaS product should be the coronation of the enormous amount of effort (and expenses) dedicated by a company to the development of a new product, meant to help it ga

Optimize Onboarding with the “Bowling Alley Framework” to Boost Recurring Re...

Many online businesses think that the sales process ends when the customer signs on the dotted line, but it’s increasingly clear that strategic onboarding of those new users is just as vital when it

Industry Buzz – September 2019

Hi, sellers! This month’s Industry Buzz comes to your aid with some optimization ideas. Whether it’s customer onboarding, reducing customer churn, nurturing B2B leads, or selling internationally,

Get a Glimpse at Global Online Shopper Behavior

From how often shoppers make online purchases to how they prefer to get information and what they pay most attention to, there’s a whole lot that businesses need to know about online shoppers in ord

Attract Customers and Close More Deals with Social Selling

Cold calling can get frustrating at times. Not to mention it has been less and less effective for years now, as sales reps and experts can easily confirm. There’s a report that says 92% of buyers sa
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