Rethink Commerce Blog

Everything you need to know about commerce in one place

Developers & IT

How Does the Payment Processing Industry Work? Understanding the Infrastructure ...

Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when an online payment is made? If you are just getting started with the business of eCommerce and online payments - or if you are simply curious

Mastering Mobile Payments for Software and SaaS Companies

Mobile payments are a hot topic, and they keep getting hotter—for good reason. Thanks to the incredible ease of use and accessibility, they deliver unprecedented convenience for consumers and can i

An Intro to Effective Growth Strategies: Global Commerce in Local Markets

Say you’re a company wanting to start selling in China, the biggest eCommerce market worldwide—and one with incredible potential for growth. Where would you start? You might try Laurentiu Ghenciuâ

The State of eCommerce Fraud in 2018

During our recent CommerceNow event, fraud expert Tara Kendrick of Experian presented a wealth of valuable information regarding the increase in eCommerce fraud, where eCommerce fraud is taking place

Using Technology to Unlock a Great Global Customer Experience

Localizing your digital business for global commerce is unavoidably complex, but it doesn’t have to feel impossible. There are many tools, technologies and proven best practices out there to help yo

Keep Your SaaS Business Safe – 5 Mistakes to Avoid

As a SaaS provider, you need to store plenty of sensitive data: not just information related to your own business operations, but also customer data. In a complex world that seems to see new ransomwar
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