3 Innovative Software and Online Services Companies Embracing the New Services Economy

2 minutes

Starting a company is hard. At times it’s both the best job and the worst job in the world. But having been a founding member of companies in the past – I can tell you that the good times outweigh the bad times by a zillion to one. Well, maybe not a zillion but you get the idea.

My point is the good times are amplified for good reason – some people equate it to being a parent – some people say it’s like when you first start college. I think it’s probably more like being a parent while you are still in college – part utter chaos, part “are you kidding me?”, part total exhaustion, and of course part unbelievable joy.

The sum of these parts equal key learnings and experiences that you get to put in the nostalgia bank for later that you wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. Oh yes, and sometimes you end up changing the world.

At Avangate, we pride ourselves on helping software and online services companies grow and build their businesses and are thrilled to recognize the 3 winners of this year’s Avangate Business of Software (BoS) Scholarship Program. These 3 companies are using both new technology and innovative business models to offer their customers compelling online solutions and push the New Services Economy to new levels.

Thanks to everyone who applied for our BoS Scholarship program.  It was not an easy decision to select only 3 winners and we appreciate all your efforts.

With that said, please help me raise a glass to our 2014 Avangate Business of Software Scholarship winners:

  • CloudPress, a SaaS product of Extend Studio, offers a set of tools and services designed to eliminate the coding and server tasks for WordPress site designers.
  • Effective Computing developed VoiceShortCuts, a voice command system that reduces the stress and limitations of computer use, enhancing productivity.
  • Pivotdesk is an online service that is changing the way people find office space: an office sharing marketplace that helps companies offset costs by sharing their excess office space with smaller companies and entrepreneurs looking for a place to grow their business.

As part of the overall Avangate BoS scholarship program, all of our winners will:

For those who are in the Boston area, we invite you to join us as we celebrate the Avangate BoS Scholarship winners at our networking dinner. It’s a great opportunity to share ideas with other emerging software and online services industry leaders and make valuable connections to help push your company or organization to new levels. Note space is very limited.

Dinner Details:

When: Tuesday Sept 16, 2014 from 6PM to 10PM (networking 6PM to 7PM; dinner 7PM to 10PM)
Where: Morton’s Restaurant – Private Dining Room & Lounge


Congrats again to all of our winners and I look forward to seeing you in Boston!

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