Posts Tagged ‘personalization’

Partner Blogpost: Creating Customer Loyalty For Exclusive Target Markets

As companies and brands, we are all in the business of attracting new buyers, in hopes of turning them into loyal customers and ultimately reaping the benefits of customer lifetime value. While market

Recapturing Lost Revenue from Abandoned Carts

Did you know that more than $4 trillion in goods were left in shopping carts last year alone? Abandonment rates vary by industry, with Software at 70%. Tweet

Top Tips To Upsell Your Customers Using Email Marketing

The term upselling often conjures up negative thoughts of over-zealous salespeople or fast food. How many times have we heard, "Would you like to make that a combo?"

Is Your Software Sales Process Stuck in the 80s?

Despite all our advances, a lot of companies are still selling software like it’s 1985. While they may not have acid wash jeans and fade haircuts to match their software approach, they are using old
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