Rethink Commerce Blog

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How to Pitch Your Software Product to Power Affiliates

Every affiliate has its specific needs when it comes to promoting products online. The best performing affiliates will not waste their time with every merchant that approaches them. This is why it is

Barcelona – here we come!

Following last year's successful Munich event, we're even more into A4U Expo Europe - this year in Barcelona. Starting from June 18th until June 20th, 2012, we will be available to meet and share insi

Changing an Industry – One Subscription at a Time

Last week we had a conversation with Peter Cohan from Forbes about how Avangate is changing the way software is being sold. We’re long past the times when customers went to physical stores to purcha

6 Tips to Activate Stagnant Affiliates

There isn't a single merchant on this world selling through affiliate programs that hasn't got idle affiliates. These are affiliates that are not active, meaning that they don't generate any sales or,

5 Ideas for Productive Affiliate Campaigns (part 2)

In the first part of this series we spoke then about promoting software to your customers on a try-before-you-buy model, converting the customers from your website and sending newsletters to your audi

Affiliates – Start Your Engines

Avangate is proud to launch its 2012 line of contests for affiliates that generate sales. Software is a great niche to promote as an affiliate, no doubt about that: big commissions, instant gratificat
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