About Author

Product Manager at 2Checkout (now Verifone)

Check out her latest articles

How to Optimize the Content of Your Abandoned Cart Emails

Cart abandonment is a common challenge faced by e-commerce sites, with businesses having a 70% cart abandonment rate on average. As concerning as this sounds, every abandoned cart is a chance to wow t

What Are The Main Signs That Your Customers Will Churn

Have you ever noticed a customer who used to be a regular suddenly stop using your product or service? That's customer churn, and it's a critical metric for any business to track. In simple terms, cus

Retention Strategies to Adopt on the Spot

In the dynamic realm of eCommerce, customer retention isn't just a strategy—it's a game-changer. As the competition heats up and consumer choices multiply, the power of keeping your existing custome

Unfolding the SaaS Free Trial Paradigm: Best Practices for Business Growth

Want to make the shift from a Blursday to a SaaS growth day? You’re in the right place. Here you’ll find a SaaS free trial dictionary that will inform you how to navigate these all-digital and all

How to Make a Freemium Pricing Model Work for Your SaaS Business

Updated: June 2023    There are no totally unique SaaS tools. Every provider has a wide range of competitors—cheaper, faster, more established, more specific, more feature-rich, more localized

Churn: Debunking Myths, Revealing Mistakes, and Focusing on What Truly Matters

Customer churn is a critical aspect that every SaaS business must understand to grow and maintain a healthy revenue stream.   This article will uncover common myths and mistakes surrounding churn, p
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