Posts Tagged ‘SCA’

Secure Checkout – How 2Checkout Protects Your Carts

In today's rapidly evolving digital economy, secure checkout in online shopping experiences has become a top priority for businesses and customers. Securing online transactions is essential not only t

What Do the New Checkout Flows Look Like After PSD2?

3DS is a security standard that helps provide an extra layer of security for payment transactions, requiring the shopper to authenticate as an extra means to safeguard against fraud. This new security

Digital Commerce and Payments Capabilities That Ease the Transition to PSD2 and ...

The Payments Service Directive is a European regulation aimed at ensuring a wider choice of secure payment services for consumers in EEA countries. First established in 2007 by the European Commission

What You Need To Know About SCA Implementation Updates In The EU

On December 31, 2020, Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) should go live in most of the European countries. As this important deadline draws near, however, there may still be challenges ahead as thos

An Overview of Payment Fraud and Prevention in eCommerce

The future of the online payments industry is looking very promising for consumers and merchants alike, but the always-looming specter of fraud continues to be a material concern. Naturally, the onset

The Impact of PSD2 and SCA: Ordering Flows and Exemptions

We introduced readers to the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), 3D Secure 1 (3DS1) and 3D Secure 2 (3DS2) in a previous blog post - What is PSD2 and What Doe
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