Posts Tagged ‘3D secure’

Secure Checkout – How 2Checkout Protects Your Carts

In today's rapidly evolving digital economy, secure checkout in online shopping experiences has become a top priority for businesses and customers. Securing online transactions is essential not only t

Digital Commerce and Payments Capabilities That Ease the Transition to PSD2 and ...

The Payments Service Directive is a European regulation aimed at ensuring a wider choice of secure payment services for consumers in EEA countries. First established in 2007 by the European Commission

How Biometrics Help Prevent Fraud While Streamlining Online Payments

Fraud is still among the top concerns for online merchants and their customers, even as the eCommerce industry explodes in growth and becomes a necessity in all our lives.   Fraud threatens merch

How to Manage False and Fraudulent Chargebacks

Chargebacks can be a nightmare, but knowing what causes them can guide a business to where and how it needs to improve its online payment processing capabilities. As such, there are times when false c
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