Vote for Our Session at Affiliate Summit!

1 minute

If you’re reading this you’re probably a fan of digital goods and you know that software is one of the verticals in which affiliates get the highest commissions in the industry. It can generate a lot of sales and revenue if done the right way.

We’re going to Affiliate Summit East 2011 and we want to share some of the strategies that successful affiliates in the software niche use. We definitely see it as a win-win situation for both merchants and affiliates.
Vote now for Avangate!

Adriana Iordan will prove this on our part, but we need our proposal to be accepted as a session at the event – vote now for Avangate at Affiliate Summit East! Voting will be closed on May 13th!

By the way – if you’re attending the event or are in New York in late August, do let us know. We would be happy to chat over a cold beer in the Big Apple ;)

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